Students who are underrepresented benefit tremendously by way of continued academic support to strengthen their educational deficiencies. Chat With Dr. Black/NRBA offers an After-school mentor tutorial program for student’s. With tutoring being mandatory as part of the extended learning, we provide one-on-one services to enable your pupil perform and maintain at their grade level.
Not only will our program increase academic competencies, but also provide mentoring to assist your student improve their self-esteem and self-worth. We use a five-pillar character and learning modality curriculum that flows into an eclectic teaching style filled with an abundance of diversification.
Our afterschool program has created various life-skills and academic activities that will be implemented to safeguard that students are able to transition profoundly in their post elementary, middle and high school endeavors. The implementation will prevent problematic behavior in children and adolescents, thus promoting their health, development, and well-being.
Our tutorial program endorse improving the supply, quality, and access to an extension to the traditional school day courses. Being able to offer students the options to be educated, and prepared for their post high school transition is our goal and focus.
Chat With Me Therapeutic Counseling Service DBA NormRose Believe Academy